Michelle Muenzler, known at local science fiction and fantasy conventions as “The Cookie Lady”, writes fiction both dark and strange to counterbalance the sweetness of her baking. Her short fiction and poetry can be read in numerous science fiction and fantasy magazines, and she takes immense joy in crinkling words like little foil puppets. Michelle is a SFWA member and represented by Howard Morhaim of the Howard Morhaim Literary Agency. If you wish to lure her out of hiding, you can friend her on Facebook or chase her down at a local SF/F convention where she will ply you with hundreds of home-baked cookies while gleefully describing the latest horror she’s written. She supposes you could also use the contact page to reach her, but she finds electronic cookies far less tasty than real ones.
Other Homes in Which I Lurk
The Future Classics, my writing group of doom and place of blogging
Facebook, where I “like” all the things and do most of my lurking
Twitter, in which I exist and respond when summoned
Goodreads, whereupon things are read in a goodly manner